Hyperpigmentation is darkening of an area of the skin due to too much melanin. It takes the form of freckles, brown spots, or melasma. It can sometimes be due to underlying skin or health conditions. The options for treating it in the NHS are limited due to it often being seen as a cosmetic condition – but the effects can be significant in terms of confidence.
This clinic is able to offer solutions for this concern in the form of prescribed and non-prescribed treatments. Results will vary, and there is no magic bullet. It generally takes 6-12 weeks for those with lighter skins and 12-24 weeks for those with darker skins to see results.
There are a variety of different regimes, and commitment is needed.
There are other options including lasers – but this clinic believes that home care programmes supplemented by peels in the clinic during normal non-covid social distancing times offer a real option.
The journey starts with a consultation – but before that make sure that sunscreen is part of your skin care regime.
Tune into instagram live with @blackvenusbeauty just after 8pm following the clap for the NHS to find out more.
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