Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic
Treating Hair Loss: everything you need to know

When this clinic was in the process of setting up it was clear that the insurance needed for such a clinic needed to be tailored to accommodate the evolving world of hair loss technology. This clinic’s focus started as a place to help people experiencing hair loss using a range of approaches. It can be hard for people to know where to turn, and when people are bombarded with advertisements about supplements, it can be easy to believe that is the only answer. Supplements can only be part of the answer, and they should only be used when there is a clear need for them. Often there can be several reasons causing hair loss, and sometimes it takes an in depth consultation with a professional trained in identifying hair loss conditions to start the process of slowing down hair loss, and ideally restoring hair – depending on the cause. Treatments that are offered at this clinic are cleared with the insurer before they are offered. It is really great when an insurer shows a real interest in the field and shares information about what clinics and customers/patients need to be thinking about when looking at hair loss services. It was an honour to be able to contribute to the Blog on the Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance website about hair loss. If you are someone wondering what to do, please take a read of the article which is found on this link There is also some information about treatments which are available from this clinic and other developments over the horizon.



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Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic 110 Nantwich Road Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 6AT Company Number 1089 4687