Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic
2025_2 Lighthouse afrocentrics flier

Tickets are now available on Eventbrite for this event which is targeted towards those with curlier textured hair. There are additional challenges in nurturing textured hair, and the event is intended to give practical tips for looking after afro-textured and mixed hair Here is the link

This clinic is delighted to be participating in a session about how mindset can affect outcomes in hair loss.

This subject was chosen because experience has shown that the process of even beginning to seek the right help involves a series of psychological stages of change. Making the changes needed requires patience and trust in the process. Even when improvements have been achieved, not having the right mindset and focussing on the wrong things can undo positive progress.

There will be a variety of stalls at the event, and there will also be an opportunity to purchase the Scalp Scrub Shampoo – suitable for all hair types without needing to pay postage.

There may also be the opportunity to purchase an alternative to MS Hair Fibres which in the clinic’s experience provides the most effective camouflage of hair loss for people with curly textured hair


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Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic 110 Nantwich Road Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 6AT Company Number 1089 4687