What is Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra?
DPN is a common skin condition consisting of one or many very small firm black brown or Black bumps. They are seen most often on the face and neck, and are usually between 1 mm and 5 mm.
They appear on approximately 1/3 of people with the darker skin types Fitzpatrick skin types five and six.
Their numbers increase with age. Morgan Freeman, the famous actor has many of these. Electroless us is a safe, effective, Quick and affordable method of treatment, but there is potential for scarring so the treatment will be as conservative as possible..
A family history of the blemish means that you are more likely to be susceptible to it.
How can it be treated?
This clinic uses electrolysis. The results are not immediate, and the aim is to reduce the appearance.
It’s important to consider the risk of pigmentation defects at the original site, where the skin may go lighter or darker or even scar following the removal treatment and this outcome can also be undesirable.
Who cannot have this treatment?
Cochlear implants
Keloid scarring
People under the age of 18 at this clinic
The following are potential contra indications which restrict diathermy treatments
Bacterial infections
Blood standing medication [e.g. warfarin or aspirin]
Circulatory disorders
Dermabrasion [wait a minimum of one month] demographic skin conditions
Dysmorphia [body dysmorphic disorder or BDD]
Heart conditions/circulator disorders
High blood pressure
Laser treatment [wait a minimum of two weeks]
Nervous clients
Phlebitis/thrombosis if in the area to be treated
Recent scar tissue if in the area to be treated
Rosacea in the area to be treated
Skin diseases and disorders
Sunburn skin if in the area to be treated
What should I expect after treatment?
You may experience:
Slight redness and swelling of skin in the area
Warmth in the area that has been treated
The skin may feel itchy as the healing process takes place
A scab will form.
What should I do after treatment?
Please ensure the following:
Do not touch the treated area and do not, under any circumstances remove the scabs which will appear.
Apply the aftercare product [witch hazel gel] for24 to 48 hours as often as required. You can use sterile Aloe vera gel after this also.
The treatment area can be washed or cleansed using a gentle perfume free cleanser after 48 hours. The ZO skin health hydrating cleanser would be suitable. Gently pat the area dry, taking care not to dislodge any scabbing
Keep out of UV light as much as possible and cover up with a hat or parasol depending on the weather
Regular and continued use of a suitable high factor sun protector is advised on exposed areas following healing.
Avoid swimming, Sauna‘, steam rooms, facial steaming, facial scrubs, waxing and other beauty treatments in the area treated until the area has completely healed.
Avoid using any possible skin sensitizers or irritants such as perfumes, fake tan products or perfumed body lotions
Aftercare products
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