Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic

Why have an advanced facial treatment?

Who doesn’t love a good facial as a regular treat?  Facials are great for maintaining good skin but if you are looking for visible results you will need to take your facial up to the next level.   Next level means addressing skin woes with results driven treatments.

There is no one size fits all for skin care because each and every one of us has a different skin type, which is where hyper-personalised facials come in.

Typically facial products are treat for massaging and cleaning the skin, but they don’t actually nourish the skin to bring it back to optimum health. WOW facial is a results-driven solution offering hyper-personalised options at every stage to allow your  practitioner to create a completely bespoke facial for you. 

WOW advanced facials

What is the WOW Fusion?

A consultation and consent form will need to be completed before the treatment.  How often the treatment is repeated depends on the reason for the treatment. (Please see below)

WOW fusion is an innovative needling device that allows the practitioner to create bespoke skincare cocktails in the little glass vial that is ideal for your skin care needs. During consultation, your practitioner will assess your skin and then using the latest skincare technologies will design a skin care serum that is ideal for your skin requirements. A truly tailored service with transformative results.

The WOW fusion device contains 20 titanium 24K gold plated needles each being 0.13mm in diameter. As they are so thin, they make a small trauma without the pain. The needles allow the solution to flow down and into the skin to the epidermal/dermal junction.

WOW fusion device

What skin issues can WOW fusion be used for?


  • Rosacea  Open Pores, Oiliness.  ‘Microtox’  doses of Botulinum toxin injection can help with facial redness repeated every 4 months
  • Acne and acne scarring alternative to   Xcellaris Pro-Twist microneedling
  • Pigment Problems
  • Excessive sweating of the face, armpits, palms and soles.

The WOW fusion treatment can easily be used alongside Dermalux LED light treatment, chemical skin peels and home based skin care to get consistent long term results.

WOW fusion for Rosacea, Open Pores, Oiliness and Acne

1 WOW fusion with toxin treatment is done followed 2 weeks later without toxin, and repeated again without toxin 2 weeks later.

The toxin treatment can be repeated again in 12 weeks.


If the pigmentation is superficial it may take up to 6 treatments 2 weeks apart.   Xcellaris pro-twist microneedling may be a more suitable alternativ

An assessment will be made at 3 months as to whether to continue. This treatment is a specialised cocktail which does not use Botulinum toxin.

Acne scarring

The microneedles in the device can help to break up the scar tissue left behind by acne.  A specially chosen cocktail will be used to treat the skin depending on your skin’s needs. 

Treatment is done without using toxin every month for 3 months and then every 3 months after that as needed.

Xcellaris pro-twist microneedling may be a more suitable alternativ


A course of 4 treatments 2-3 weeks apart is done. The first treatment uses Botulinum Toxin.

Wow Fusion Logo Registered
Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic 110 Nantwich Road Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 6AT Company Number 1089 4687