Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic
As the face ages, the jawline starts to look less defined. This is due to the effects of gravity, genetics and the environment causing the skin to slacken. The tissue from the mid face starts to descend towards the jawline.
The Nefertiti Lift is named after the Egyptian Queen who was perceived to have the perfect sculpted jawline. This was based on a statue found in Egypt in 1912. The treatment refers to the use of Botulinum Toxin (Botox)
This treatment is best suited to patients with early signs of the ageing neck, in particular mild jowling and platysmal bands.
Results can be subtle, so there may be more suitable alternatives such as polynucleotides, Profhilo and good professional skin care.
Treatment aims to:
Unlike botulinim toxin treatment of upper face, results can up to 6 weeks to show.
Up to 6 months
If desired.
In addition to the usual side effects of Botox, the potential complications can include temporary problems with the functioning of the lower lip, uneven smile, difficulty with fluids and speech, problems with neck movements.