Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic

Hair loss can be caused by many different things including hair care practices, nutrition, stress, health conditions and medications.

This clinic’s emphasis is on finding the correct diagnosis.  This will allow the best treatment plan which may include medication, lifestyle changes, and  recommendations on products and supplements. Blood analysis is available, but the clinic is happy to accept the results of recent blood tests from the GP.

Practical solutions to hide hair loss are available  including cosmetic sprays, fibres, wigs, hair pieces and hair replacement systems.  

Prescribed medications are available for some conditions. DNA testing for personalising hair loss treatments  is available. This is best used for the earlier potentially reversible hair loss conditions.

The clinic offers a range of hair loss services.

https://xtumnrxqcadlnaimdy.10to8.comThe first consultation should take between 30-60 minutes to allow a full assessment.  

Two complementary remote or face to face follow up consultation of 30 minutes within 12 months of the initial consultation are included. 

Please click on the links below to find out more about how the clinic can help in some hair loss conditions.  Some conditions cannot be treated in the clinic, and you will be advised to see your GP, a dermatologist or hair transplant surgeon.

Alopecia areata

Traction alopecia

See Online Booking Page
Crewe Hair and Skin Clinic 110 Nantwich Road Crewe, Cheshire, CW2 6AT Company Number 1089 4687