Hair transplantation has become much more common in recent years.
When the procedure works it can really help to improve quality of life. It is however important to be aware of the risks. When travelling abroad this is more important because of access to follow up.
This clinic can help you prepare for a procedure when you are thinking about having a hair transplant. Hair transplants are best done for male pattern hair loss or female pattern hair loss, but can also be useful for other, but not all, hair loss conditions.
The British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS), of which the Clinic Director is an Affiliate Trichologist member and 3 other expert groups BAAPS, BAPRAS and TSPRAS have come together to offer advice and guidance for patients seeking hair transplant surgery in Turkey, which has a large hair transplant surgery tourism industry. The aim of this guidance is to help to protect patients from harm and ensure that they are aware of the standards of care (both before and after surgery) that they should expect as a minimum. To find out more
Before you consider a hair transplant this clinic recommends that you invest in yourself before committing to a hair transplant by having a diagnostic consultation.
This is because there are hair loss conditions you may not be aware of that can be made worse by surgery. This clinic recommends a diagnostic hair loss consultation at least 6 months before the planned procedure to ensure that you have a correct diagnosis, and are aware of what can help to increase your chances of success. This can be oral medications, topical medications, lifestyle measures and other procedures for balding in men and women, such as Regenera Activa, Polynucleotides, Calecim, Peptide
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